Kali ini saya akan kembali membagikan sebuah script social networking crea8SOCIAL berharga $40 tapi untuk para pengunjung setia atau tersesat di blog ini saya akan membagikannya secara cuma2 alias
GRATIS. Menurutku script ini sangat bagus dari segi tampian yang menarik dan cukup ringan di jalanlkan lewat mobile/pc karena script ini support tampilan mobile/pc. Jadi akan memudahkan para pengguna script ini. Sebenarnya untuk menginstall script ini di butuhkan license, dan kita harus membelinya kepada pembuat script namun yang yang spesial script yang saya share sudah nulled atau dalam bahasa software pc crack. Jadi kita saat penginstallan jika di suruh memasukan license tinggal masukan kalimat atau angka bebas terserah anda.
crea8SOCIAL adalah platform jejaring sosial yang merangkum fitur platform jejaring sosial umum seperti facebook dan twitter dan yang asli itu seperti fitur yang memungkinkan untuk menampilkan informasi (kepada pengguna) tentang setiap link menambahkan, profil dapat redeesigned oleh pengguna, masyarakat dibuat dan mengundang orang lain untuk bergabung di antara banyak fitur menarik lainnya.
Preview 1
Preview 2
Member features:
• Preview links in post.
• Maintenance mode.
• Custom Error page.
• AJAX : crea8SOCIAL make use of ajax technology to speedup your website Live chat, Real time Notification, comments.
• Photos, Photo Albums : give your members to upload photos with albums.
• News Feed : Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friends.
• Profile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profile.
• Events: Movies, location, Musics, Games, Photos. e.t.c
• Share: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends.
• #Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c with all language support.
• Trending topics: This display what's hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtags Likes: Like posts, pages.
• Pages: Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like it.
• Page Roles: Moderators,editors,admins.
• Follow: Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messages.
• Message System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you message
• Community: Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communities
• Community categories: Create different categories for your community
• Games: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c
• @Mention: Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the person.
• Post with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are posting.
• Link Preview : when you post links, details like title,description are pull and displayed
• Invite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they joinm they will be added to your friends list.
• Account activation You can prevent bad accounts through verification
Admin Features:
• Manage Users: Manage your members, edit there details, delete, and verify anyone of them.
• Manage Pages: Manage pages your member created, verify anyone of them.
• Create categories: create different categories for pages, games e.t.c
• Manage translations: Add more language translations.
• Reports: Manage reports by your members.
• Helps: Create helps for your members.
• NewsLetter: Send mail to all members or certain members.
• Manage Themes: Manage themes.
• Post text: set maximum post text character in posts.
• Enable emoticons: Enable/Disable emoticons.
• Custom Fields: Create custom fields for profile, pages, communities, and games.
• Validate Users: Validate new users if this is turn on.
Demo :
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• Cara penginstallan sangat mudah tinggal tarus script utama di root hosting anda dan jalankan domain anda dan ikuti petunjuk2 yang di ada. Bila terjadi error pastikan versi php hosting anda 5.4 ke atas dan itu bisa di atur di cpanel anda.
• Script ini sudah berstatus nulled jadi jika dalam penginstallan di suruh memasukan license tinggal masukan huruf/angka bebas dan anda sudah bisa mengunakan script ini.